All posts by author

18 September 2015

Exposition of Circolo Artistico Purlilium in Porcia (Pn)

From 5 to 23 September 2015 in the Casello di Guardia Porcia (PN), I’ll take part in collective exhibition from the Artistic Circle Purlilium. Showcase will be open every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from  10 to 12 and from 16 to 20. For info: – +39 349 32295

1 June 2015

Exhibitions of the month June 2015: Venice & Trieste

In June, I’ll be part with my artworks of two collective exhibitions: the 13th Biennale di Trieste and another hosted bythe historic Scoletta San Zaccaria in Venice. the first, presented by the Biennale Giuliana d’Arte, will take place in  Trieste from 13th to 23th June in the “Sala Veruda” of the Palazzo Costanzi building in Piazza Piccola 2.   The […]

1 May 2015

My attendance to Romart 2015

From 15th to 18th May, I’ll be present with one of my artworks at the RomArt 2015, International Biennial of Art and Culture. It will be possibile to vote artworks in competition on the Web, so, if you want to, you can vote my sculpture “Bambine” on the event site.. In this video you can see […]

1 May 2015

My artworks at the JW Marriott Hotel, Venice

On May 2nd, 2015, Mario Mazzoleni is inaugurating a group show, in his permanent art gallery at the exclusive JW Marriott Hotel on Sacca Sessola, one of Venice’s lagoon islands. I am very happy to let you all know that there will be some of my works.

13 April 2015

Urban Flaxes: Passonia at the Milan’s FuoriSalone 2015

During the Milan’s FUORISALONE, from April 14th to 19th, I will be present with some of my new works at the event Urban Flaxes, in via Jacopo del Verme 12 (isola district) Many thanks to my dear friend NIR LAGZIELD for having me involved, even this year, in the event he organized.

1 December 2014

Art for Christmas at Mazzoleni Art Gallery in Alzano Lombardo

The ‘Art for Christmas’ exposition will start on December 6th at Mazzoleni Art Gallery in Alzano Lombardo (Bg). The art display, focused on the work of 6 emerging artists selected by da Mario Mazzoleni as talents to invest in, will see the presence of Passonia, as the only woman artist,  alongside Mauro Pani, Raffaele Sammarco, Piero Marinò, […]

7 November 2014

Passonia at Artepadova 2014

Passonia will present his work in ArtePadova2014, the important Exhibition of Contemporary Art to be held in Padua between 14 and November 17. It will be a year full of meanings, as ArtePadova will reach its 25th edition. This year’s target is to repeat the successes of 2013 as the exhibition was visited by nearly […]

11 April 2014

Prorogata la Personale di Passonia a Cividale!

Visto il grande successo di pubblico e la grande affluenza riscontrata finora, la mostra personale di Passonia, inserita nel progetto “Impara l’arte e non metterla da parte” è prorogata fino al 27 aprile. Le opere in mostra riguardano esclusivamente la produzione di pezzi realizzati con l’uso di elementi di riciclo, in particolare i tessuti, abbinati […]

19 March 2014

Passonia in mostra a Cividale del Friuli

Il  vernissage si terrà sabato 22 marzo 2014 alle ore 11 presso il refettorio del MONASTERO DI SANTA MARIA IN VALLE (la mia vecchia scuola!) La mostra resterà aperta tutti i sabati, domeniche e festivi fino al 6 marzo 2014 dalle ore 10 alle ore 16. Le opere riguardano esclusivamente la produzione di pezzi realizzati […]

29 November 2013

24/11/2013 55° biennale : finissage

Il 24/11/2013 si è conclusa la 55° biennale di Venezia. La mia 1° biennale! E’ stata una bellissima esperienza che mi piacerebbe ripetere 😉 Grazie a tutti quelli che hanno partecipato e mi hanno sostenuto. “Quante persone avranno indossato questi abiti o utilizzato questi panni? Indumenti che hanno accompagnato tante vite proteggendole dagli sguardi e […]