In June, I’ll be part with my artworks of two collective exhibitions: the 13th Biennale di Trieste and another hosted bythe historic Scoletta San Zaccaria in Venice.
the first, presented by the Biennale Giuliana d’Arte, will take place in Trieste from 13th to 23th June in the “Sala Veruda” of the Palazzo Costanzi building in Piazza Piccola 2.
The second exhibition, in occasion of the 56a Biennale di Venezia, will take place in the historic venetian gallery of the Scoletta di San Zaccaria, managed by Giorgio Fabiani and places near the homonym Church , 200 meters from Piazza San Marco, from 15 to 30 June 2015.
Presentation will be curated by the venetian art critic Giorgio Pilla